Dec 29, 2011

This and That

Charlotte Coupon Clippers - will NOT meet this coming Sunday, but the following Sunday - January 8th at 2:30 pm. We're hoping for a location change, but are playing a waiting game for the final ok! Keep posted!

Sunday Paper - LOTS of coupons in this coming Sunday's paper. A friend from the coupon clippers tells me that there should be anywhere from 4-5 inserts! Might be a good day to pick up an extra paper!

Harris Teeter Super Doubles - starts January 4th!!! This is when all of your coupons will double up to $1.99 in value. So pull out all of those $1.00 and $1.50 coupons and get ready to have some fun!!!

BellaTutor Coupon Class - starts up again on January 3rd! Plum District is running a special again on this class - through midnight on December 31st! Normally $50, you can get it through Plum District for only $25. Plus, if you're new to PD and sign up through this link, you'll get an instant $5 credit that you can apply to the deal! Plus, I think you can still use promo code LOCAL25 and get 25% off (I'm checking on that to make sure). So, you can potentially get the coupon class for only $12.50!!!

Thirty-One Year-End Outlet Sale - this is only the 2nd time that 31 has offered their discontinued items at a discount! So, if you're interested in getting some high quality bags for at least 50% off, now is the time! Click here to start shopping!

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