May 23, 2011

Friday Freebie: June 3rd!!!

It's time to register for the June Friday Freebie! On the first Friday of every month I give something away! This month is going to be a mystery prize - but I will tell you this as a hint: it's even better than last month's! :) 
The rules are exactly the same as they were last month:

1) Subscribe to or Follow this blog
2) Sign up for one of these free services I've featured (by clicking the links below):

*If you're already a member of ALL of these sites, then click on one of the Ads by Google on this site and leave a comment telling me if you found anything interesting! 

3) Leave a comment on this post with your first name and last initial,
and what you signed up for!

I'll announce the winner on June 4th!


hollie said...

I've already signed up for all those so I clicked around on some of the Google ads. The Canvas People is the most interesting to me. It was for the free 8x10 which is always tempting to me!

Hollie A

Jean said...
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Jean said...

I signed up for Southern Savers and I earned a $10 off $50 coupon from HT!

Lacey said...

I just signed up for Redbox. The boys have been begging to see Nomeo and Juliet and I just reserved it at our grocery store to pick up later today and on blu-ray too! I had to pay for it, but I think I'll have a free rental sent to my for me! I think I'm also going to sign up for Southern Saver too...this is so much fun!