Mar 21, 2012

Eversave (Charlotte and other great Cities!!!)

If you're not familiar with Eversave, it's another deal site! Normally, you only get $1 for signing up for a new account. But, today and tomorrow only, you get $5!!! Here are some amazing deals you can get with your $5 credit: 
  • $5 for a $20 voucher to (all kinds of baby/kid friendly items, including Melissa and Doug!!!)
  • $5 for $20 voucher to (lindt chocolates - perfect for Easter!!!)
  • $10 for $36 voucher to (all natural bug repellents and body products!!!)
  • $7 for a personalized water bottle + free shipping from - valued at $24.99!
Click here to set up your free account and get your $5 credit!!!

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