Apr 18, 2012

For Sale: Coupon Binders and Bags

I have so many people asking me about my coupon binder and bag that I've decided to start selling them!

Ready-To-Go Binder $25.00
1 - 2" 3-Ringed Binder
25 Baseball Card Sleeves (holds 225 coupons)
3 - 3-Ringed Pencil Pouches
10 Tab Dividers

I did a lot of research and if I were buying these items separately, going to three different stores to get the cheapest price + buying the baseball card sleeves from amazon (cheapest place to get them), I'd spend $26.99! Since I can get the items in bulk, I can save you time and money! Obviously, if you don't live in the Charlotte area I'll have to charge extra for shipping!

The "Perfect Couponing Bag" - $29 
On May 1st the cost of these bags will go up to $34.75!!! Buy now & save!!!!
  • Choose from 10 different patterns
  • 7 Exterior Pockets (great for holding wallet, phone, keys, water bottle, pen/paper, coupons, receipts)
  • Laminated Nylon (perfect for being able to wipe-clean)
  • Exactly deep enough to completely conceal your coupon binder (spine down)
  • Wide enough at the top so that you can thumb through the pages without having to pull out the binder (sits perfectly in the front seat of a shopping cart)
  • Includes Shipping, Handling, and Tax
  • Can be monogrammed for a total cost of $37 (will go up to $43 on May 1st)

Email me at savesimplyblog@gmail(dot)com to place an order! Remember that you need to act fast if you want a bag for the cheaper price!!!

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