Dec 2, 2011

Lot 18 - Great Deal!

2007 Buried Cane Columbia Valley Riesling Trio - $35.97

I'm not normally a big fan of the sweeter wines like this Reisling, but they are great to keep on hand for guests who like the sweeter wines. Plus, they are wonderful wines to take as thank-yous to Holiday Party Hosts! Each bottle averages out to $12/bottle (plus tax) - shipped right to your door (because shipping is currently free)!!! I was only able to find the 2009 Riesling elsewhere online - and it was about $14 (plus tax and shipping). Lot 18 lists the retail value of this wine trio at $54 (about $18/bottle). So, this is a pretty good price! Only available for the next 13 hours - so you've got to hurry if you're interested! Lot 18 is a "by invitation only" wine site. So, sign up here to be able to access their exclusive deals!


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