Here are some statistics I recently learned about couponing:
1) For every hour spent couponing, the estimated savings is $100
2) 88.2 million internet users (47%) plan to use internet coupons in 2011
3) When poled and asked to describe their coupon usage, choosing from non-user, super-low, low, medium, heavy, very heavy and enthusiasts, 60% of the people poled who have an annual household income of $50,000 or more - described themselves as being Enthusiasts!
4) Consumers saved 3.7 billion using coupons in 2010
5) 78.3% of consumers admitted to using coupons in 2010
* Source:*
What this tells me:
1) I used to always think that the only people who used coupons were those that had to, and that by using them, you advertised to the world that you were poor. How foolish! 42% of the Super Heavy and Enthusiasts were people with an annual income of $100,000 or more (larger than any other income bracket)!
2) Those who say that they don't save enough money using coupons to make it worth their time, aren't couponing the right way. How many of those people make $100/hour? I would venture to say - none! And that's the average savings (for the medium/heavy user). I would describe myself as a very heavy user; wonder what I actually save?!?!?
3) The vast majority of consumers are now using coupons; it just makes good economic sense. Do NOT be ashamed of your coupon binder, or handing the cashier 20 coupons when you check-out. You should be proud that you are now a responsible and conscientious consumer who isn't needlessly throwing money away.
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